Objective: Work with the client on a multitude of projects for the Journalism and Public Relations Department at California State University, Chico.
My team and I worked on:
Advisory Board event through planning, organizing as well as designing name tags, table tents, and signage for the event.
Social media posts for the Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages for J&PR. I collaborated with the client and team on creating design for Mandatory Advising reminder for the students within the department.
Strategy/Solution: The strategy for the Advisory Board event was to create several different directions for the name tags that could be applied to the table tents and signage for the event. I incorporated Chico State colors as well as the Journalism & Public Relations logo to help advocate the event. After showing the designs to the design team as well as the client, we established a theme that continued on with the other materials needed for the event.
The strategy for creating the social media post was to design different directions incorporating the departments colors as well as play with different colors to catch the students attention. With feedback from the design team as well as the client, created a design that supported the needs of the department as well as reached out to the students.
Programs: Canva